Venom: Let There Be Carnage

Starring: Tom Hardy, Woody Harrelson, Stephen Graham, Michelle Williams, Naomi Harris, Reid Scott, Scroobius Pip
Director: Andy Serkis
Eddie Brock (Hardy) and the symbiote Venom continue to share a somewhat harmonic relationship despite the fact that Eddie won't let Venom feast on any human despite how bad they are. As he tries to navigate this tricky relationship, Eddie gets the chance to break the story of his career. Serial Killer and death row inmate Cletus Cassidy (Harrelson) has requested that Brock interview him before he is executed. As Eddie and Venom attempt to figure out what Cassidy is up to, Eddie has to grapple with the fact that the love of his life Anne (Williams) is engaged to someone else. Eddie's hesitance to stand up for himself and tell Anne how he feels, plus refusing to let Venom eat bad guys leads to Venom seeking a new host. Eddie's list of problems grows when Cassidy's execution goes wrong and creates the violent creature Carnage. Eddie must put his issues aside to find Venom and stop Carnage at all costs before it is too late.
I wasn't a fan of the original Venom, with its very inconsistent mash up of tones and poor film making. Hiring Andy Serkis, who knows his way around motion capture performances, was a step in the right direction for fixing these areas. While it wasn't entirely successful, I did like this film better, for what that's worth.
Everything hinges on the Venom/Eddie relationship. While it is very cheesy, it is definitely the most enjoyable aspect of the film and plays very much like a bromantic comedy. Tom Hardy is completely committed to his character and the bizarre couple he finds himself in. Also providing the voice for Venom, you have to at-least somewhat admire what Hardy and the movie is going for. I will also watch anything Woody Harrelson is in, and while his villain is somewhat forgettable you sure are given reason to hate him,
While there is some fun to be had with Eddie and Venom, the rest of the movie feels cobbled together and very rushed. Carnage is a huge villain in this universe and I feel like he wasn't given his due. And while the action is plentiful, it is still in the chaotic and poorly executed style of the first film. Also, the movie just continues to be weird for weirdness sake. While there is nothing on par with Tom Hardy sitting in a tank eating a live lobster from the first film, we get treated to a scene of Venom giving a weirdly inspirational if misinterpreted speech to an LGBTQ crowd at a rave. And don't get me started on the the pair of chickens Eddie and Venom keep as pets.
The mid credits scene gives me a little hope for where things are headed with this franchise but for me it might be too late.
Grade: C-