Tyler Harlow
A lifelong movie fan, Tyler was born and raised in West Virginia but dropped everything and drove across country to go to film school in Los Angeles. On any given day you can find him letting his inner child loose with a Disney film or on the edge of his seat with the latest thriller.

Wendy Kalver
Wendy grew up in Rhode Island in a house with magicians, which did not impact her upbringing whatsoever. Like everyone else, she moved to Los Angeles to be a writer. Her favorite movie is You've Got Mail.

Dechelle Brooks
Dechelle Brooks is a 27 year old aspiring writer living in LA. The first movie she remembers seeing all the way through is Titanic, and her favorite song at the time was Little Red Corvette. She had mature taste as a child. Her favorite movie is Forrest Gump and she’ll always be down to bingewatch Desperate Housewives again. She cites Julia Roberts as her favorite actress and Leonardo DiCaprio as her favorite actor and would die if they did a movie together. She is so thrilled to be apart of this site and hopes you find her reviews dazzling and entertaining.

Jake Brooks
Jake Brooks arrived in the mid-1980s and has been trying to figure things out ever since.

Samuel Cullado
Samuel Cullado is a writer and filmmaker from Stow, Ohio who lives with his wife in Hollywood. His favorite filmmaker is David Lynch and his favorite artistic medium is the meme. He thinks cinematic restraint is overrated and that hot takes are fun but nuances are funner. He recently released his first novel, The Manifestation, which you can find on Amazon. He also released a web series, The Void, on Youtube. His church family in Ohio is still wondering when he will use his violin and piano talents for the Lord.