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Sundance: Mayday

Tyler Harlow

Starring: Grace Van Patten, Mia Goth, Havana Rose Liu, Soko, Juliette Lewis

Director: Karen Cinorre

After a mysterious power outage at work, Ana (Grace Van Patten) finds herself transported to a mysterious island world where a band of women (Havana Rose Liu, Soko) led by Marsha (Mia Goth) find themselves in a constant battle with men. Marsha believes Ana is the one they have been waiting for that will complete their group as their sharpshooter. While Ana does enjoy the camaraderie between the women, as the battle rages on she finds that she may not be the killer that Marsha wants her to be. Tensions rise as Ana begins to remember her previous life and looks for a way back.

This was an interesting film filled with fantastic imagery and great performances from all of the leading ladies, especially Grace van Patten and Mia Goth. The girls are all strong characters yet display a compelling vulnerability in their sisterhood as well. It's a stark and welcome contrast to how women are usually portrayed in films like this, ranging from how they interact with each other to how they dress.

One of my favorite aspects of the film is how they incorporate the myth of the Sirens and their songs into the story. In order to lure the men into crashing their subs or planes, they put out a mayday call on the radio and steer the men to their deaths. It's a clever modern day take.

It's shame that with all the clever aspects and excellent world building that the film doesn't stick the landing, ultimately becoming generic and not sticking to its guns. The film does have some bizarre elements as well, like how Ana is ultimately transported to this world by climbing through the oven at her work. It's Alice and Wonderland-ish but didn't quite work for me. There is also a song and dance number involving Ana and a group of soldiers that she ultimately kills. It is meant to symbolize her journey into growing into this new person but it comes so far out of left field. It's still an admittedly cool scene but it was also hard to not laugh at it as well.

While not my favorite this was still a worthwhile watch for its welcome take on female roles in action films.

Grade: B-


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