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Coffee & Kareem

Tyler Harlow

Starring: Ed Helms, Terrence Little Gardenhigh, Taraji P. Henson, Betty Gilpin, RonReaco Lee, David Alan Grier, Andrew Bachelor, William 'Big Sleeps' Stewart

Director: Michael Dowse

Bumbling police officer James Coffee (Ed Helms) has just begun a relationship with Vanessa (Taraji P. Henson). After seeing them have sex, her foul mouthed 12 year old son Kareem (Terrence Little Gardenhigh) sets out to destroy their relationship. After Watts (Betty Gilpin), arrests former rapper turned drug dealer Orlando Johnson (RonReaco Lee), he escapes due to Coffee's incompetence. Kareem, who idolizes Orlando and is unaware of his career change, tracks him down to bribe him into hurting Coffee and instead witnesses Orlando and his henchmen (Andrew Bachelor, William 'Big Sleeps' Stewart) murder a cop. Now on the run, Coffee and Kareem must get over their differences in order to survive and end up uncovering a ring of corruption in the police department.

One would think with a lame title like Coffee & Kareem that this film wouldn't have much to offer. Once the film begins and you realize it's an R rated Cop and a Half, it's pretty entertaining and has some funny one liners. This shouldn't come as too much of a shock though, as director Michael Dowse has made some very underrated comedies in the past decade (Goon, Take Me Home Tonight, Stuber). He is ready to let his actors bring the funny and stages some entertaining action to support, including a hilarious car chase and a fight between Henson, Bachelor, and William 'Big Sleeps' Stewart in a bathroom.

Ed Helms doesn't really step outside of his comfort zone as the nerdy nice guy but ends up having fun chemistry with Terrence Little Gardenhigh. Gardenhigh is a little annoying at first, despite having some funny one liners, ones about Tyler Perry movies and Blade come to mind. Once the movie settles down he does get to show off some acting chops that sell the emotional moments. Betty Gilpin continues to knock roles out of the park and she is downright insane in this movie. I feel like she went back and forth between the sets for this and The Hunt as the two characters feel related. Henson is great but she doesn't really get much to do until the third act. I also enjoyed Bachelor's henchman, who is way too nice for his chosen profession.

It's far from perfect but at only 80 minutes long, its fun disposable entertainment.

Grade: B-

Coffee & Kareem is available to stream on Netflix

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