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Spider-Man: Far From Home

Tyler Harlow

Starring: Tom Holland, Jake Gyllenhaal, Samuel L. Jackson, Zendaya, Jacob Batalon, Marisa Tomei, Jon Favreau, Angourie Rice, Tony Revolori

Director: Jon Watts

Based on the Marvel Comic Book by Steve Ditko and Stan Lee

After what would come to be known as "The Blip", Peter Parker and classmates have returned to find themselves the same age, yet the world is five years older. Wanting to just move on with his life and still reeling from the loss of his mentor/father figure Tony Stark, Peter needs a vacation. He even starts sending calls from Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) to voicemail, much to the dismay of Happy (Jon Favreau), who warns him against ghosting Fury. As a way to get away, Peter and his classmates MJ (Zendaya), Ned (Jacob Batalon), Flash (Tony Revolori), and Betty (Angourie Rice) go on a school trip to Europe. Unfortunately for Peter, Fury tracks him down to join forces with Quentin Beck (Jake Gyllenhaal) to stop a mysterious group of Elementals from wreaking havoc across Europe. Beck, it turns out, is from a different Multi-Verse and knows how to stop the Elementals, who tragically killed his family. Despite Peter's initial protests, he bonds with Beck and decides to help. Soon he finds a more sinister game is afoot.

I did not fall in love with Spider-Man: Homecoming as much as everyone else did. While I think Tom Holland is the best version of Spider-Man that has been put on screen, I felt the actual movie itself was mediocre although I did like its small scale approach. Everyone stepped up their game in Far From Home and made this one of the more enjoyable Marvel films I've seen in a while. While the scale does get larger, the action was fun and a different twist on what we have seen previously.

All the actors are fantastic but for me Jake Gyllenhaal is an absolute delight. It's honestly just awesome to see him in a Marvel movie, but there is more to Beck than meets the eye. While I think most people expect that something more is going on, what they do with his character is actually very cool. The action surrounding Gyllenhaal is ridiculous but he really sells it. I also enjoyed that Zendaya got a much larger role in this film, with her sarcasm continuing to be a highlight. There are some funny running gags involving some of the kids that work better than expected, like Flash documenting his trip on social media to his "Flash Mob".

I was expecting there to be more plot surrounding the fallout from The Blip and how people were coming to terms with this world that had suddenly caught up with them. While they do talk about it a little in the beginning, it is more played for laughs (which works surprisingly well) and doesn't dive into anything too deep outside of Peter wanting to move on. A minor quibble from a movie that is very entertaining.

I wasn't expecting to like this as much as I did. The movie is over 2 hours and it breezed by and left me wanting more, especially after the two post credits scenes. Both those open up not only some interesting questions for the Spider-Man universe but for the next Phase of the Marvel Universe. Sit back and enjoy!


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